I believe breathing well gives everything else context. With a solid foundation you can explore the infinite possibilities of breath, movement and health - but I reckon you gain more than that. You gain a whole new insight into day to day living.
I don’t say that lightly either. Up until around 34 years old my breathing was, well - crap. My energy wasn’t far behind and my mind was pretty riddled with anxiety, insecurity and a whole load of searching. They say “not all those that wander are lost”, but I sure as hell was.
This wasn’t for lack of trying though, I tried a lot of things to help, just everyday I woke up feeling like rubbish, my muscles fatigued quickly, ached constantly and I was tetchy as a rabid dog.
Then a synchronistic meeting with a mad-cat dentist set me down a trail. “You want to know the secret?” he says - yeh bring it…
“AIRWAY”!! The guy says with almost biblical conviction…
Airway? Yep the hardware you’ve got and how you use it. All of it; ribs, spine, neck, diaphragm, nose, mouth, blood, guts, brain - it’s all involved and it’s all complex.
It’s beautiful too.
And it saved my life, my mental health, my sleep and it was the secret sauce in me finding myself.
It’s what got me through 5 years studying osteopathy and a bunch of other hard stuff. What I’ve learned isn’t the next big thing but it’s the baseline for exploring the horizons offered by the current trend - breathing practice.
My work combines breath work, cranial and general osteopathy and cranio-facial exercise to help be part of a whole body solution, helping people learn, understand and be empowered to make life-long change.